Vice President, Professional Connexity
Velvet Chainsaw Consulting
Sarah is an Experience Architect who has been working in the meetings industry for over 15 years to create dynamic audience experiences. Her vast knowledge of next-generation learning and facilitation skills help design dynamic meetings that guarantee more participation, opportunities for networking and peer-to-peer interactions to assure a return on attendance.
Sarah is Vice President of Professional Connexity for Velvet Chainsaw Consulting helping organizations deliver on the networking promise at face to face meetings. She is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) awarded by the National Speakers Association and a nationally recognized expert on networking and the creator of the NetWORTHing® process.
Sarah has keynoted and facilitated for audiences and organizations around the world on how to be a more effective connector and the author of Perfecting Connecting©, A Guide to Mastering Networking in the Workplace and coauthor of the e-book, Conference Connexity.
She recently reloacted with her husband to Seattle, Washington.
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RAPS Convergence 2023 Welcome & Opening Plenary Session: The Futuristic Regulatory Professional
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM EDT