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RAPS Convergence 2023 Planning Committee

We would like to recognize and thank the RAPS Convergence Planning Committee for their leadership and thoughtful contributions towards the development of RAPS Convergence 2023 in Montréal, QC. This year's event promises an outstanding line up of dynamic speakers and thought-provoking sessions that cover all facets of the regulatory industry.

Committee Leaders

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Chair: Kimberly Belsky

Regulatory Policy & Intelligence and AdPromo, Regulatory Affairs
Vice Chair: Megha Deviprasad Iyer

Director, Global Strategic Regulatory Affairs at Thermo Fisher Scientific
RAPS BOD Representative: Jethro Ekuta

Vice President, Global Regulatory Affairs at Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Committee Members

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Bassil Akra

Chief Executive Officerm at AKRA Team
Lisa Baumhardt

Sr. Regulatory Affairs Manager of Global AI Strategy at Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C.
Francis Dekker

Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific
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João Duarte

Director, Business Planning & Operations Regulatory & Quality Affairs (RQA) at Alexion Pharmaceuticals
Niedre Heckman

Director, CMC and Devices/Combination Products, Global Reg. Affairs at Takeda
Sabina Hoekstra-van den Bosch

Regulatory Strategy Principal at TUV SUD Product Service GmbH
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Reddy Kal

Senior Director, Quality and Compliance at Allergan Inc.
Jewell Martin

Associate Director, US Regulatory Policy at BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.
Linda McBride

Regulatory and Compliance Consultant at IAA Consulting LLC
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Erin Oliver

Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs at Haleon
Amra Racic

Sr. Director Global Government Strategy at Veeva MedTech Veeva Systems Inc.
Chin-Wei Soo

Global Regulatory Head, Devices and Combination Products at Genentech and Roche
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Susan Speicher

Director, Regulatory Affairs & Quality Compliance at Wolters Kluwer
Chris Whalley

Director and Head of Global Regulatory Policy & Intelligence at Seagen

Health Authority Liaisons

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EMA Liaison: Sabine Haubenreisser

Principal Scientific Administrator, Stakeholders and Communication Division at European Medicines Agency
FDA Liason: Sonday Kelly

Director, Regulatory Project Management Staff Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research at U.S. Food and Drug Administration